Hence it is Homer's privilege to be, of all the sublime, that is, the heroic poets, the first in the order of merit as well as in that of age. 因此,再英雄时代的左右的崇高的诗人之中,无论就价值还是就时间看来,荷马都享有首屈一指的特权。
This essay aims to discuss the concept of silence privilege, the need of establishing silence privilege system in our country, the implement and limitations of silence privilege in order to arouse more people's concern. 本文从沉默权制度的概念、我国确立沉默权制度的必要性、沉默权的行使及限制三个方面展开论述,力图通过本文来引起人们的普遍关注。
As an ancient privilege writ in the common law, the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody. 人身保护令(TheWritofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以审查羁押的合法性。